Hello! I'm Colley. As a coach for neurodivergent individuals and a differently-wired person myself, I know how easy it is to get twisted up in the spin cycle of procrastination and executive dysfunction. Through years of personal experience and professional practice, I've developed a framework filled with a toolkit of strategies to navigate these challenges, which I’ve gathered in this template. These techniques aren’t about how to keep your task list or manage your time or any of those typical productivity tools, but rather address the mental and emotional roadblocks we run into when we try to get things done, especially if we have quirky brains. This template represents some of my most reliable strategies for getting tasks done, but, more importantly, you can take it and make it your own. Add your own tools, rename or rewrite the ones I included so they make more sense to you, or delete them entirely. Build your own Progress Desk into something that helps you and your unique brain get things done. If you’d like more support around the concepts included in this framework, in addition to my coaching practice, I routinely offer free workshops on topics like procrastination and executive dysfunction. Check out my website for more information. Thanks for trying the template!
This template is a place for you to build your own personal toolkit to help you move forward on your tasks, especially if you struggle with procrastination or executive function challenges.